Day 23, May 2: The Gevurah in Netzach

Hello, Everyone,
First of all, I wanted to tell you about a cool, little, technical feature of the "Disqus" blog commenting system that omerblog uses.
When you respond to someone else's post, you can set things up so that the person to whom you have responded will receive an e-mail notifying them of that fact. It's pretty easy to do.
Just type an “@” followed immediately by the person's username. (You can tell that you did it correctly because it will highlight in gray.) That's all there is to it. And once you have actually put up your post, you and others can click on the person's highlighted name and a pop-up window will appear showing you all of their activities on omerblog. Pretty spiffy, don't you think? Happy
Now, on to weightier matters…

Up to the point, I’ve presented fairly lengthy, discursive essays on each day of the Omer. Today, let’s try something different...
Shifra Tobacman’s excellent little book, Omer/Teshuvah, provides a meditative poem for each day of the Omer. Here’s her offering for this, the 23rd day, which is the Gevurah (power/judgment/discipline) in Netzach (persistence/eternity).

When you ride a bicycle
in windy conditions
you can minimize the impact
or use the wind to your advantage.

Keep your torso low, eyes straight ahead
when going against the wind
or when the wind is buffeting you from the side
So it flows over you like water off a duck’s back.

When the wind is at your back
Don't forget to enjoy the ride.
If going downhill
be sure to say"whee!"

If your climb is steep and long
and you have run through
all the gears on your bike
and you are tired
and still need to reach your destination
remember you can always get off and walk.

If you can't ride a bike,
or use your legs to walk,
you may still find a way
to traverse the windy passage.


Based on this poem, how do you think Shifra Tobacman, the poet, understands the 23rd day of the Omer?

And keep on posting!

Rabbi Steve Folberg
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